Prospects Baseball Show

Jordan Blundell and Dean Millard were joined by Tyler Yaremchuk of TSN 1260, who is also the host for Prospects Broadcasts on ICU Video. The boys discussed last season's highlites, Tyler's love of baseball and some MLB news. Jordan and Dean also went around the horn and unveiled more news about the Prospects Baseball Show Fantasy Baseball League.

Show Notes

Jordan Blundell and Dean Millard were joined by Tyler Yaremchuk of TSN 1260, who is also the host for Prospects Broadcasts on ICU Video. The boys discussed last season's highlites, Tyler's love of baseball and some breaking MLB news. Jordan and Dean also went around the horn and unveiled more news about the Prospects Baseball Show Fantasy Baseball League. Jordan also announced a speedy recruit and why he's gone pink this month and how you can help out some kids in need. 

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What is Prospects Baseball Show?

We celebrate the boys and girls of summer at all levels. Hosted by Dean Millard and Edmonton Prospects Head Coach and AGM Jordan Blundell we'll cover all the bases with contests and debate about the game of baseball.