Wisdom and Compassion

The mindful recitation of Seven-Branch Prayer, which is often done inside another practice—like Green Tara, for example— epitomizes all the practices of gathering the accumulations as well as the purification of harmful deeds, thoughts, or speech and also of obscurations. All the major points of practice are present in the Seven Branches. Each of the branches antidotes a specific obstacle in practice. There is a reference in this episode to the Four Powers, also, which is a framework for confession, since confession is one of the Seven Branches. 

What is Wisdom and Compassion?

Buddhism for here and now. The Wisdom and Compassion podcast is an offering of Dekeling, a Buddhist community in Portland, Oregon, dedicated to sharing the principles and practices of Buddhism in an accessible and inclusive way, to human beings everywhere. We support your right to awaken to your spiritual potential in whatever way inspires you.