Career Education Report

Dr. Jason Altmire and guest Jason Delisle discuss concerns and challenges surrounding the proposed gainful employment rule. Their chat offers insights into the high school earnings test and the use of earnings as an accountability metric in higher education. Delisle's research findings reveal a considerable number of certificate programs at community colleges would fail the high school earnings threshold. Moreover, Delisle raises an important question about the government's role in subsidizing low-income credentials that hold significant value despite their lower income potential. 

Delisle is a non-resident senior fellow for the Center on Education Data and Policy at the Urban Institute. He is known for his extensive research on topics such as student debt, college enrollment, and the for-profit sector of higher education.

Creators & Guests

Dr. Jason Altmire
Ismael Balderas Wong
Jenny Faubert
Laura Krebs

What is Career Education Report?

Career education is a vital pipeline to high demand jobs in the workforce. Students from all walks of life benefit from the opportunity to pursue their career education goals and find new employment opportunities. Join Dr. Jason Altmire, President and CEO of Career Education Colleges and Universities (CECU), as he discusses the issues and innovations affecting postsecondary career education. Twice monthly, he and his guests discuss politics, business, and current events impacting education and public policy.