Work In Progress

On this episode of the Work in Progress podcast, hosts Alex and Gabe chat to Amanda Ovaici, one of the co-founders of FuckUp Nights YYC, to talk about the importance of failure as Amanda approaches the latest FuckUp Nights YYC event on November 18th!

Show Notes

What started as a group of close friends venting at a bar about their careers, businesses, and obstacles has turned into a global movement that shines a positive light on "failure" - the very uniquely named, FuckUp Nights!

In this heart-to-heart filled with stories of mistake-making, Alex, Gabe and Amanda chat about the idea that in every failure there’s an opportunity to learn - and even better, ultimately brings us closer to achieving our goals.

Find out more about FuckUp Nights YYC here:

What is Work In Progress?

Well, it's not really a business podcast, and it's not quite a social podcast—we'll be honest, we're not 100% sure what it is. But we promise it'll be a good time!

Work in Progress is a monthly podcast featuring extraordinary people and their journeys—the good, the bad, and all its unexpected twists and turns.