
Trin is mad online, Jenn finally meets Trin’s snails, and capitalism ruins the party yet again. What can you do about friends who continually try to entrap you into selling crap (makeup, jewelry, Tupperware, sex toys, etc) with them?

Show Notes

Trin is mad online, Jenn finally meets Trin’s snails, and capitalism ruins the party yet again. What can you do about friends who continually try to entrap you into selling crap (makeup, jewelry, Tupperware, sex toys, etc) with them? Shouldn't there be laws regulating this kind of thing? Why do we even have a government?

Content warning 14m05s - 15m30s where we complain about sex toy parties and make several graphic jokes about penises.

What is Friendshipping!?

How do I quit feeling so jealous of successful friends? Can I befriend my ex? Should I ask my coworker why she unfollowed me on Twitter?

Every week Jenn & Trin answer your questions about friendship! We try to advise on the tricky stuff that's making you feel weird.

Write us your questions at, and visit for more info. Remember that we're not therapists or doctors, although we have spent plenty of time with them.