Cold Steel: Canadian Journal of Surgery Podcast

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It’s that time of year again, when we have the pleasure of interviewing and selecting our future colleagues. We are, of course, talking about the CaRMS interview process. Most of our listeners will know that CaRMS stands for Canadian Resident Matching Service. Interviews are well underway for final year medical students across the country. 

Like last year, we felt it would be helpful for prospective applicants to hear from various general surgery programs across the country about what their residency training programmes have to offer. We have a few new programs and a few repeats from our episode from last year. This year we’ve broken it up into separate individual episodes from each program, and you can also find the video version on YouTube channel.

 Of note, we do not have any affiliation with CaRMS. Please check the CaRMS website for the full list of general surgery residency training programs.

Last year, Dr. Ball and I talked a bit about our thoughts surrounding interviews and some general advice to applicants. Stay tuned for a re-broadcast of that conversation. If you have questions or comments, we’d love to hear from you, so email us at or tweet at us @CanJSurg.

What is Cold Steel: Canadian Journal of Surgery Podcast?

The official podcast of the Canadian Journal of Surgery