
“Everything is interesting when you’re curious.”

Rory joins us for an informative chat covering a full gamut of topics. From the woes of procurement, to High Speed 2 scepticism, to the impact that ergodicity plays in our everyday lives, Rory and Kevin Monk have a lot to discuss in this rollercoaster of an episode. Grab your pen ready for the inevitable ‘mind quakes’ to come.

Rory Sutherland is the Vice-Chairman of Ogilvy Group UK and writes The Spectator’s Wiki Man column. He is also a best-selling author of ‘Alchemy: The Surprising Power of Ideas That Don't Make Sense’. Rory is widely known for his unique perspectives and brings a wealth of knowledge to the world of behavioural science. 

The main aim of SARD is to help improve the NHS, Britain's public health service. Healthcare and IT are ever-changing and we are interested in the ways that we can help it evolve with the growing population. SARD created a podcast because there’s constant change, growth even, in our industry and we want to shout about it – this podcast is essentially our proverbial mountaintop and we’re here to share all that’s going on. 

What is SARDisms?

SARD provide workforce management software to the healthcare sector. With our hosts Mariah Young and Joe Wilkinson, this podcast discusses about all the great innovation and rapid changes happening at SARD and throughout various industries.