Watershed Writers w/ Tanis MacDonald

Watershed Writers w/ Tanis MacDonald Trailer Bonus Episode 1 Season 4

TO & FRO: Season 4 Sneak Peek and Retrospective

TO & FRO: Season 4 Sneak Peek and RetrospectiveTO & FRO: Season 4 Sneak Peek and Retrospective

We kick off our fourth season with the ‘To and Fro’ episode. We’ll take a look back at writers we’ve interviewed, a sneak peek at who we’ll be talking to this fall, and discover what local authors are writing — and reading!

What is Watershed Writers w/ Tanis MacDonald?

A podcast dedicated to interviewing local writers practicing their art and craft in the Grand River region. You can listen to the show every Saturday morning at 10am on Midtown Radio KW. Supported by the Waterloo Region Arts Fund.