Your Fellow Human

Have you ever heard the saying "you are the sum of the people you spend time with?"

Today I want to introduce you to Petey, someone who not only chooses positivity because of the people he surrounds himself with, but also one that adds to the pure joy of those that get to spend time with him.

Petey and I may get a bit off track from time to time in this episode as we chat about running hard and fast towards your dreams, about why being you is the most important role you will take on in this life, and why jumping and often failing is one of the most elating feelings we can experience; BUT, our "off track" moments are some of my favorites...Some of the moments you get to see just a fraction of what it's like spending time with this human.

Petey shares about the "leap" (more like giant flight) he took in moving to the other side of the world, the way he has pushed himself and held himself accountable to keep pursuing his dreams, and why it's so ok to struggle as we learn and move forward.

We talk about the importance of telling others how we feel, about having those you can sit in silence with, and why being yourself is an opportunity to impact and help someone else in ways you might have never known.

So tune in today and meet Petey, one of my favorite humans and a man out to share life, joy, and all he has to offer with the world

And to you Petey, thank you, thank you for allowing me the honor of sharing a glimpse of who you are with others, for the friend and absolute treasure you are to me, for the way you allowed me to learn from you, be encouraged by you, and for simply being you. Cheering you on always and counting days till our crew is back together! 

if you want to follow along with Petey's adventures you can find him @peteyboytv 

What is Your Fellow Human?

These interview style episodes are all about the way we as people view life, the things we love and the things that cause us pain, the way we think, hope, and fear.

We each hold a unique place in this world, complete with our own dreams, culture, and perspective. It is the individual stories of those I meet along my journey that shape the way I see the world.

I’m excited to share these stories with you and hope they allow you to fall in love with humanity as they have for me.