Men's Leadership Network Podcast

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and businessman Charles Overby joins Pastor Jeff to discuss the upcoming presidential election and the role Christians have to play in the country’s political discourse. In this conversation, Charles analyzes recent political trends, defines personal factors that matter most when voting, and provides a historical perspective to remind us what’s most important.

Charles' break into politics started through journalism. Whether he was a reporter, editor, corporate executive, or the head of a non-profit foundation, his love for being an observer brought him into close proximity with many politicians and public servants. While he explains that most politicians care about their constituents and sacrifice much to serve, he also maintains that Washington, D.C. is a hub for power that people naturally gravitate towards. In fact, he emphasizes that the ability to come to terms with that power requires maintaining a Christian perspective.

In this interview, Charles discusses the question of how involved Christians should be in politics. He explains that the answer isn’t avoiding politics all together nor becoming too involved, but, rather, somewhere in between. Citing Philippians 3:20, Charles believes we have a responsibility to participate in democracy, but we can’t forget where our primary citizenship lies.

He also believes that though the office of President isn’t a position ordained by God in His Kingdom, He can still use our leaders for His good, and He is sovereign even through the most divisive elections. This gives us an even greater reason to pray for our leaders and those running for office rather than just talking about them.

Though evaluating how to get involved in politics can be a difficult task, Charles explains that praying for and figuring out what to look for in a candidate is the first step. For him, he looks for wisdom, discernment, and self-control in each person running for office. He maintains that through this criteria the best candidate may not necessarily be a Christian, but God can still use them for His Kingdom.

Perhaps most importantly, Charles emphasizes the importance of how we should live as Christians in regard to our political “enemies.” We should live in such a way that our beliefs are seen by others, speaking with humility and not confusing our political convictions for our Christian convictions. As men, we should also be looking to share this moment in history with our children, teaching them how we make choices, how others make choices, and the privilege to have a choice in this country.

Next Steps

What are ways you can get involved in politics as a witness to others who might disagree with you?

What criteria of distinguishing characteristics could you develop and look for when voting for a political candidate?

How can you share this presidential election with your children or grandchildren as a history lesson? What could they learn from this point in history?

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