Rev'ing Up: Answering the Call of Liberal-Religious Leadership

We are coming to the end of our short season of Rev'ing Up, as our hosts Carrie and Meagan prepare to wrap up their internships at Community Church. But! We still have a few more shows to go. Join us for today's episode, where Meagan and Carrie discuss the question, "how can I know what to believe?" from a pastoral and personal perspective.

We have had so much fun exploring the Riddle & Mystery curriculum by Richard S. Kimball and encourage you to look into the online resources and perhaps answer a few questions yourself or with a small spiritual community. You can view the full curriculum here:

Thoughts on this season of Rev'ing Up? Please feel welcome to share at or on our Listener Community at

Show Notes

We are coming to the end of our short season of Rev'ing Up, as our hosts Carrie and Meagan prepare to wrap up their internships at Community Church. But! We still have a few more shows to go. Join us for today's episode, where Meagan and Carrie discuss the question, "how can I know what to believe?" from a pastoral and personal perspective.

We have had so much fun exploring the Riddle & Mystery curriculum by Richard S. Kimball and encourage you to look into the online resources and perhaps answer a few questions yourself or with a small spiritual community. You can view the full curriculum here:

Thoughts on this season of Rev'ing Up? Please feel welcome to share at or on our Listener Community at 

What is Rev'ing Up: Answering the Call of Liberal-Religious Leadership?

Welcome to Rev'ing Up, the newest media ministry from Community Church of New York.

This show is a container to explore the intersectionalities of life, ministry, and professional clergy formation from the perspective of two Unitarian-Universalist intern ministers.

We are in community with you, our listeners. We invite you to co-create this space with us. Contact us at!

Hosted by Carrie McEvoy and Meagan Henry
Produced by Amy Wilson
Learn more about Community Church of New York at