What She Said!

As the AI revolution continues to unfold, deep fakes are on the rise, and alarmingly, over 90% of deepfake victims are women. Amber Mac has been following AI and in particular deep fakes closely and joins me today to discuss how and where it’s created and distributed, the damage it can cause, and what we can do about it. This is an important discussion all women need to take seriously.

Canadians throw away over 3 million tonnes of plastic waste every year and only 9% is recycled while the rest ends up in our landfills, waste-to-energy facilities or the environment. Kayli Dale and Jacquie Hutchings founded Friendlier to help stem the tide of this environmental nightmare, by drastically reducing the use of single use plastics in restaurants.

Anne Brodie joins me with entertainment and this week we take a look at Twice Colonized which follows Inuit lawyer and sealskin clothes designer Aaju Peter over seven years, the story of Joseph Bologne AKA Chevalier, a French Creole violinist, composer, conductor and fencer in Paris at the time of Marie Antoinette and the French Revolution, and Mrs. Davis, a fun, smart, and action-packed movie starring Betty Gilpin.

Last month, Dr. Mita Manna joined me on behalf of mbctime.ca to discuss metastatic breast cancer or mbc for short, to provide valuable information for those either living with mbc or who know someone with mbc. This month we’re joined by Karima Jessani. Karima is from Ontario, is a wife and mother to three, and has been living with metastatic breast cancer since 2013. Karima is here to share insight into her battle with this illness and the common misconceptions surrounding breast cancer. 

Money is never too tight to mention around her. In fact, the only way to make it through these troubling times is to talk about every aspect of our finances. That’s why I invited Jess and Colleen from Two Girls Investing to join me today to share their tips for riding out this economic storm we find ourselves in. 

Finally Tara Maclean recently released her bestselling debut memoir "Song of the Sparrow," which has received critical acclaim from numerous artists and publications. Alongside the book, Tara also released an accompanying album which is a collection of reimagined past work and new material. She joins me to share a little bit of the story behind the book and the album before we play the single "Lay Here in the Dark.” for you.


Amber Mac 
Anne Brodie

Karima Jessani

Two Girls Investing

Tara MacLean

What is What She Said!?

Candace Sampson hosts What She Said! This one hour show aims to inspire and uplift women by giving them a voice in pursuing their professional and personal goals through showcasing successful women, as well as those who support women’s interests, and by creating opportunities for others to do the same.