Successful Barrister

Marc has a second gift for you! As he has discussed on the podcast, Marc is a coach for Atticus and helps lawyers build successful practices (not prisons). Normally, these courses cost money, but Marc is giving you a freebie in the spirit of the season.

For detailed show notes, navigate using the time stamps below:
[0:50] This episode is about Marc’s coaching work. For well over a decade, Marc has coached lawyers through Atticus. 
[2:17] This week, Marc is offering a free one-on-one conversation about building a practice, not a prison. 
[3:21] If you’re interested in setting up a conversation, email

Visit the Successful Barrister website: 
Visit the Marc Whitehead & Associates website: 
Email Marc Whitehead: 

What is Successful Barrister?

Welcome to the one and only podcast that's more thrilling than a last-minute court adjournment, 'The Successful Barrister! The podcast discusses marketing, management, and life skills for lawyers, which probably won't get you disbarred.