Uncommon Sense with Ginny Robinson

On this episode, we are discussing the Twitter Files that Elon Musk ordered to be released, which clearly showcases one of our nation's deepest fears -- that the government is, in fact, working with Big Tech to steal U.S elections by having social media companies remove articles and posts that go against the narrative that the elite want to display to the masses. Can you say "cover-up"? Can you say "Communism"? This story will go down in the history books as the first true undermining of our Constitutional Republic, and the irony is that it is carried out by all the people crying "democracy is so important!" Without free thought, we have no free will. Information must always be available to the American people. We're swiftly turning into Communist China, and everyone should take this very seriously.



What is Uncommon Sense with Ginny Robinson?

Entertaining and in-depth, Uncommon Sense with Ginny Robinson tackles the latest in news, culture, religion and politics from a Christian, independent point of view. Ginny‘s keen eye allows her to cut through the chaos to the things that really matter, and her ability to find the humor in anything provides a fresh new way to stay up to date.