Real Estate Addicts

Rob Barresi, Senior Vice President at Starkweather & Shepley Insurance Brokerage joins the Pod to share best practices around insurance for development and construction. We begin with a high level discussion around the different types of policies and then dive into the details of proper risk transfer in
owner/developer/GC/subcontractor relationships, indemnification and hold harmless agreements, waivers of subrogation, additionally insured endorsements, what to look for when reviewing a certificate of insurance and completed operations coverage which is extremely critical. This topic isn’t always glamorous but, it’s certainly critical to understand and get right.

Show Notes

Rob Barresi, Senior Vice President at Starkweather & Shepley Insurance Brokerage joins the Pod to share best practices around insurance for development and construction. We begin with a high level discussion around the different types of policies and then dive into the details of proper risk transfer in owner/developer/GC/subcontractor relationships, indemnification and hold harmless agreements, waivers of subrogation, additionally insured endorsements, what to look for when reviewing a certificate of insurance and completed operations coverage which is extremely critical. This topic isn’t always glamorous but, it’s certainly critical to understand and get right.

What is Real Estate Addicts?

The Real Estate Addicts (REA) podcast is for anyone interested in developing real estate. The podcast covers a comprehensive range of topics related to real estate and investing and features interviews with savvy and successful entrepreneurs who share their career path, failures, successes and the stories behind the incredible companies they built. Listen in for big personalities and great conversation.

Co-hosted by Ray Hurteau, Dan Rubin (Instagram @dan.and.ray) and Marc Savatsky (Instagram @choose_boston)

Follow Real Estate Addicts Podcast on Instagram: @Real_Estate_Addicts