Behavior Gap Radio

Behavior Gap Radio Trailer Bonus Episode 1197 Season 1

1197 | The Three Reasons for a Public Creative Practice

1197 | The Three Reasons for a Public Creative Practice1197 | The Three Reasons for a Public Creative Practice

In this episode of Behavior Gap Radio, Carl explores the reasons behind his habit of turning personal learning into public artifacts. He delves into the value of creating tangible outputs—not for the format, but for the impact on his thinking and growth. Carl shares three key insights: how creating sharpens his ideas, how feedback enriches his understanding, and how these artifacts build intellectual property over time. It’s not about outcomes but about leaving a meaningful trail.

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What is Behavior Gap Radio?

Greetings, Carl here.

This podcast is super simple, it's me wandering through the world noticing things about how to align my use of capital (time and money) with what is actually important to me.
