Chief Endurance Officer

Today’s guest is an endurance coach, speaker, and a consultant who empowers individuals and groups to reach their goals in business, education, athletics, and life. He is the author of his new book, A Mile at a Time, and author of the award winning book, The Ultra Mindset. Host of his own self titled podcast, The Travis Macy Show, please welcome, Travis Macy! Travis partners with host Gregory McDonough to share how he draws on his endurance athlete resilience, reflecting on his love for teaching, and maintaining a healthy athlete’s routine. He also delves into his books and his inspiration for writing. 

  • Travis prioritizes his kids' interests and doesn't push his own on them. If they gravitate toward his interests, like running or biking together, it's fulfilling to him. Travis is committed to supporting their own passions. 
  • Going through a challenging transition where he questioned his identity beyond being a competitive athlete, Travis struggled with a void left by not constantly pursuing podium finishes, prizes, and sponsorships. His resilience and adaptability as an endurance athlete eventually helped him keep the faith.
  • The core of Travis’ income comes from coaching adult endurance athletes, which is a natural extension of his life as an athlete. He’s always enjoyed teaching and pedagogy, and coaching allows him to teach what he loves. This approach extends to his podcasting, writing, and business approach.
  • Maintaining an athlete's routine provides stability amidst change, improving mood, outlook, and energy. Exercising in the morning greatly enhances Travis’ professional productivity and overall well-being, benefiting both work and family life.
  • "The Ultra Mindset," Travis’ first book from 2015, explores eight core principles for success in business, sports, and life, using engaging endurance sports narratives as examples. It's meant to be applicable beyond athletics.
  • In contrast, "A Mile at a Time," released in March of this year, is a memoir centered around Travis’ father's journey through Alzheimer's. It offers some prescriptive content but primarily focuses on their personal story and his dad’s life.
  • Adventure racing is a challenging, dynamic, and niche sport that combines various disciplines like running, paddling, biking, fixed ropes, and navigation using a map and compass. Races are unmarked courses, often lasting nonstop for five to ten days. Teams usually consist of four people of mixed gender, emphasizing the team sport aspect.

Quote of the Show:
  • "Get out there and tow the line even in the midst of uncertainty." - Travis Macy


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Chief Endurance Officer is produced by Ringmaster, on a mission to create connections through B2B podcasts. Learn more at

Creators & Guests

Gregory McDonough
Greg McDonough is a seasoned executive who has owned and operated businesses in the professional services sector, navigating them through both good and tough times. He brings his personal experience of knowing what it’s like to be ‘in the owner’s seat’ when working with clients, taking time to ask the questions others may not.
Bekah Chenel

What is Chief Endurance Officer?

Join host Greg McDonough on a transformative journey as "The Chief Endurance Officer" explores the incredible power of positive energy and sustained effort. This podcast delves into the real-life stories of individuals who have harnessed the endurance mindset to achieve remarkable goals in every facet of life – personal achievements, professional success, and athletic triumphs. Visit our website for additional resources and exclusive content, and subscribe to hear these inspiring episodes every Friday!