🏹 Agency Growth Mastermind Podcast

20k a year per recruited person? Do it yourself? Why not hire someone awesome to take care of that? Nicole of https://www.remotish.agency/ has a ton to say about this and helps me understand why you'd hire a talent person sooner rather than later (and how to make the work.)

Show Notes

  • Problem: Employees leaving, heavier turnover after Covid (How much is us vs. the situation) 
  • Career Crafting
  • Partnerships + Employer branding
  • On boarding
  • How much on 1on1’s, checkins as a biz owner

What is 🏹 Agency Growth Mastermind Podcast?

For Agencies on Their Way From 1M to 10M in Revenue

- 1M+ Agencies
- Abundance Mindset (A rising tide lifts all boats) + Niched focuses
- Sharing as much value as possible