Sustainable Dad

We have to start somewhere, so why not with a documentary film maker who has created a movie on sustainable best practices. Damon Gameau's new movie 2040 looks at what could happen when we implement just the best sustainable practices available today.

Show Notes

We have to start somewhere, so why not with a documentary film maker who has created a movie on sustainable best practices. Damon Gameau's new movie 2040 looks at what could happen when we implement just the best sustainable practices available today.

What is Sustainable Dad?

This is a learning adventure to the world of sustainability and the effects of climate change, it’s time for this dad to get a better understanding of what is possible. How does one mere unsustainable mortal become an environmentally conscious juggernaut? Is it possible to reverse the tide of unsustainable plastics? Darn it, can I still eat meat!? Please don’t make me drink the bathwater!