Out of Our Minds

John Ensor (President of PassionLife), Ben Sulser (of Church of the King in Evansville, IN, and Ensor's son-in-law), and Tim Bayly sat down and talked.

We've broken the conversation into halves. This first half roams afield as we discuss singleness, womanhood, manhood, abortion, being pro-life, preaching, and the Church. The second half will be released next week and will turn to abortion, specifically, beginning with the difference between the responses of Christians in China and Christians in Europe and America to preaching that opens up the guilt of abortion.

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PassionLife's mission is to work "as a prolife global missions partner to missionaries and indigenous Christian leaders, where the plague of abortion, infanticide and gendercide is especially concentrated."

Out of Our Minds Podcast: Pastors who say what they think. For the love of Christ and His Church.

Out of Our Minds is a production of New Geneva Academy. Are you interested in preparing for ordained ministry with pastors? Have a desire to grow in your knowledge and fear of God? Apply at www.newgenevaacademy.com.

Master of Divinity
Bachelor of Divinity
Certificate in Bible & Theology
Groundwork: The Victory of Christ & The Great Conversation

Intro and Outro Music is Psalm of the King, Psalm 21 by My Soul Among Lions.

Out of Our Minds audio, artwork, episode descriptions, and notes are property of New Geneva Academy and Warhorn Media, published with permission by Transistor, Inc.
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What is Out of Our Minds?

Pastors who say what they think. For the love of Christ and His Church.