Beyond The Lines

"I felt unworthy and alone, I was always cold and tired. Then came hospitals and treatment facilities. My eating disorder controlled me, but I did not let it define me. I learned to love myself again and bring awareness to what eating disorders truly are."

Show Notes

At a young age, Mackenzie was diagnosed with an eating disorder. This later affected her high school as she spent time in an in-patient treatment facility learning how to love herself again. She shares about her experiences in treatment and post-treatment and how she managed to not just get through college but thrive. She is an advocate for beating the stigma that society puts around eating disorders. National Eating Disorder Awareness Week is February 24th - March 1st so we wanted to shed light on this topic that is not commonly talked about on college campuses. 

What is Beyond The Lines?

Beyond The Lines is a podcast created to talk about topics on our college campus that our students want to talk about. Each semester the season will be themed around a different topic that affects students from all walks.