All Things New with Jeff Ackenback

October is the month for "scary," and nothing is more scary than...conflict. Not really, but it's still important and can be stressful. In this series, we'll look at conflict with authority, family, even with yourself, and God. We will try to discover what lies beneath that conflict and how to move forward.

Show Notes

With all of the other areas where we have conflict, there's the potential for the "other side" to be wrong, but when it comes to God, we know he's always right.  That can be difficult, especially when things don't work out the way we hope, but the closer we get to Him, the better we will be able to handle and even understand what comes next.

What is All Things New with Jeff Ackenback?

All Things New is a podcast about...all a new way. I won't necessarily be reinventing the wheel, but I will be presenting each episode in a real way. There will be messages about faith, love, hope, depression...episodes about pop culture and literature, even sports...and more, as it comes up. Subscribe and leave 5 stars!