Dentists, Puns, and Money

In this episode Dentists, Puns, & Money, we discuss Direct Indexing as an investment strategy.

Please note: This episode was originally released on March 15th. 2023.

Many dentists are familiar with the strategy of buying index funds, or indirectly investing in an index. But directly investing in an index is a little different. 

We’ll cover three things in this episode: 

  • What’s are the differences between indirectly investing in an index vs. directly investing in an index, fundamentally?
  • What are the benefits of directly investing in an index vs. indirectly investing in an index by buying an index fund?
  • Why is direct indexing becoming available to more people and becoming more popular than it ever has been in the past?

As a reminder, you can get all the information discussed in today’s conversation by visiting our website and clicking on the Podcast tab. 


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What is Dentists, Puns, and Money?

Dentists, Puns, and Money is a podcast focused on two things: The financial topics relevant to dentists leaving clinical practice and the stories and lessons of dentists who have already done so.

1. The stories of dentists who have transitioned from full-time clinical dentistry.

2. The financial topics that are relevant for dentists making that transition.

If you’re a dentist thinking about your exit from clinical, and you’d like to learn from the experiences of other dentists who have made that transition, be sure to subscribe to your favorite podcast app.

Host Shawn Terrell also dives deep into the many financial components of exiting dentistry, including tax reduction strategies and how to live off your assets.

And, we try to keep it light by mixing in a bad joke… or two.

Please note: Dentists, Puns, and Money was previously known as The Practice Growth Podcast until March 2022.