Miranda Warnings

Former US Attorney General Loretta Lynch talks with David for a wide-ranging conversation about policing in America, the problems with partisanship in the Department of Justice, what it was like to work for Barack Obama, and handling politically sensitive cases, like the Clinton email scandal.

Show Notes

Loretta Lynch served as the 83rd Attorney General of the United States from 2015-2017 under President Barack Obama and she joins David for a wide-ranging conversation. 

She discusses her history prosecuting police brutality cases in New York, the Trump administration's decision to stop Obama era policies regarding community policing, and how it was a missed opportunity to continue the reform process.

Lynch, who is now a litigation partner at Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison in New York City, also discusses what it was like to work for President Obama, his leadership style and the support he provided to members of the cabinet. 

She also shares her views on the problems partisanship can cause for career prosecutors in the Department of Justice and recalls her role in the email scandal of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Miranda Warnings is hosted by NYSBA's 118th President David Miranda.

What is Miranda Warnings?

Join NYSBA’s 118th President David Miranda each week as he interviews some of the biggest names in law and politics. Each week he discusses all things legal – and some that are not. You have the right to remain listening.