The Zero Hour

Alana Barrett shares her story as someone with a personal connection to Alzheimer's and about the support, education and resources that the Alzheimers Association has provided to her as a caregiver. She speaks about the 48 Peaks program. For more information: 
To learn more about 48 Peaks and to join us, head to 
Instagram:  @48peaksalz
Facebook page:
To find resources for you and your family at 
24/7 helpline: 800-272-3900
10 warning signs of Alzheimer's and dementia:

What is The Zero Hour?

As we navigate life, we have so many critical zero hour moments in our lives. Zero hours lead to unexpected and pivotal journeys that inevitably change the course of our lives. The Zero Hour Podcast is about those moments, experiences and journeys they initiate for us. Our zero hours open us up to new opportunities and experiences, no matter who we are.