The Ring of Defense

Envoy: Is Three A Crowd?
Employee data and company info has been stolen from Atlassian allegedly via Envoy, a third-party app, and the data was posted on the chat app Telegram. Threat actor SiegedSec claimed responsibility and Atlassian’s response seemed to indicate physical access concerns. The Attack vector is still being investigated by the third party, but it has been stated that it was not a result of a direct Atlassian breach. Published data included Office floor plans and 14,000 records of PII. What could they have done to prevent this?

There's a FatalRAT among us
Individuals in Southeast and East Asia are the targets of a new rogue Google Ads campaign that delivers remote access trojans such as FatalRAT to compromised machines. The attacks involve purchasing ad slots to appear in Google search results and direct users looking for popular applications to rogue websites hosting trojanized installers, this was shown to be achieved by using typosquatting domains. How can you ensure your users are clicking legitimate links?

What is The Ring of Defense?

Join Robin Johns, and Bill Carter as we delve into the intricate world of cybersecurity, exploring the critical issues, fundamental concepts, and the latest security incidents that shape our digital landscape.

In each episode, Robin and Bill bring their wealth of knowledge and experience to the forefront, unraveling complex cybersecurity topics and making them accessible to all listeners. Whether you're a seasoned professional, an aspiring cybersecurity enthusiast, or simply someone interested in safeguarding your digital presence, this podcast offers valuable insights and practical advice.