Rare Voices Podcast

The past year has shaken so many of us to our core. I remember, about a year ago, sending everyone home from our offices at Optime Care. And everything felt uncertain. When could we bring people back? What about our patients? They count on us…daily. How will COVID-19 impact them? Not just their health, but their access to other care givers?

I went back to my office and fired up my computer. On my LinkedIn feed, there was a familiar face. One of my most respected friends had posted a video he called “A Concerned Doctor.” I hit play. And, in the midst of chaos, I felt like I had found a confidant and ally. Here was someone on the front lines, caring for patients, and doing the most important work a physician can do – adding a voice of reason to an otherwise turbulent time.

Over the past year, I have kept my friend, Dr. Jeffrey Miskoff, pulmonologist and critical care physician, as a constant presence. A good portion of his patients also have rare conditions, and it is why this episode is so important for anyone connected to the rare and orphan patient communities.

His story over the past year involves loss, heartache, hope, and victories. It has something for you no matter where you are in the spectrum of patient care, and, as with all of our episodes this season, it has an outlook for where health care is going next.

Please subscribe and keep listening to Rare Voices!

Dr. Jeffrey A. Miskoff, D.O. Bio

Dr. Miskoff specializes in Critical Care Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine and Sleep Medicine. He completed his Residency at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine and Fellowship at Beth Israel Medical Center. Dr. Miskoff specializes in rare disorders such as Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency and narcolepsy. He also hosts his own video series on YouTube called, “A Concerned Doctor”, where he discusses the COVID-10 pandemic, treatment, and concerns around the virus.

Subscribe here:

iTunes   •   Soundcloud   •   Stitcher    •    Youtube


Music Credits:

Westpoint Instrumental by  Sun Shapes

Show Notes

The past year has shaken so many of us to our core. I remember, about a year ago, sending everyone home from our offices at Optime Care. And everything felt uncertain. When could we bring people back? What about our patients? They count on us…daily. How will COVID-19 impact them? Not just their health, but their access to other care givers? I went back to my office and fired up my computer. On my LinkedIn feed, there was a familiar face. One of my most respected friends had posted a video he called “A Concerned Doctor.” I hit play. And, in the midst of chaos, I felt like I had found a confidant and ally. Here was someone on the front lines, caring for patients, and doing the most important work a physician can do – adding a voice of reason to an otherwise turbulent time. Over the past year, I have kept my friend, Dr. Jeffrey Miskoff, pulmonologist and critical care physician, as a constant presence. A good portion of his patients also have rare conditions, and it is why this episode is so important for anyone connected to the rare and orphan patient communities. His story over the past year involves loss, heartache, hope, and victories. It has something for you no matter where you are in the spectrum of patient care, and, as with all of our episodes this season, it has an outlook for where health care is going next. Please subscribe and keep listening to Rare Voices!   Dr. Jeffrey A. Miskoff, D.O. Bio Dr. Miskoff specializes in Critical Care Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine and Sleep Medicine. He completed his Residency at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine and Fellowship at Beth Israel Medical Center. Dr. Miskoff specializes in rare disorders such as Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency and narcolepsy. He also hosts his own video series on YouTube called, “A Concerned Doctor”, where he discusses the COVID-10 pandemic, treatment, and concerns around the virus. Subscribe here: iTunes   •   Soundcloud   •   Stitcher    •    Youtube   Music Credits: Westpoint Instrumental by  Sun Shapes

What is Rare Voices Podcast?

Rare Voices reveals the wisest path to a fulfilled life for patients with rare and orphan disorders. Brought to you by the people at Optime Care, a pioneering specialty pharmacy. In each episode, we uncover insights from patient advocates, pharmaceutical innovators, leaders in insurance, physicians, and caregivers. Prepare to provoke your mind and fuel your drive to serve rare and orphan patient populations.