Despite the myriad advances made by humans over the centuries, depression is a condition that seems to be consistently on the rise. We can all do more, have more and experience more than our ancestors could have possibly dreamed of, yet so many of us struggle to find a sense of peace within ourselves.In this episode, Thom explores the subject of depression and the role that Vedic Meditation can play in reversing the cycle of depression and anxiety-related conditions. With depression often having serious and life-threatening consequences, Thom advocates a multipronged approach: appropriate professional care supported by Vedic Meditation to relieve the stress that brought it about. Episode Highlights: [00:45] Anger With Good Manners[02:02] Two Flavors of Depression[03:03] Reversing the Vicious Cycle Through Vedic Meditation[04:31] Accumulating Distorted Memories and Maladaptive Reactions[06:14] The Vicious Cycle of Anxiety and Depression[07:50] A Feedback Loop of Mutual Enrichment[08:56] An Enormous Aid to DepressionUseful
Despite the myriad advances made by humans over the centuries, depression is a condition that seems to be consistently on the rise. We can all do more, have more and experience more than our ancestors could have possibly dreamed of, yet so many of us struggle to find a sense of peace within ourselves.
In this episode, Thom explores the subject of depression and the role that Vedic Meditation can play in reversing the cycle of depression and anxiety-related conditions.
With depression often having serious and life-threatening consequences, Thom advocates a multipronged approach: appropriate professional care supported by Vedic Meditation to relieve the stress that brought it about.
Episode Highlights:
[00:45] Anger With Good Manners
[02:02] Two Flavors of Depression
[03:03] Reversing the Vicious Cycle Through Vedic Meditation
[04:31] Accumulating Distorted Memories and Maladaptive Reactions
[06:14] The Vicious Cycle of Anxiety and Depression
[07:50] A Feedback Loop of Mutual Enrichment
[08:56] An Enormous Aid to Depression
Useful Links
Join philosopher, educator and celebrated speaker on the cognitive sciences, Thom Knoles for inspiring insights and wisdom to support your personal evolution. Thom is an renowned expert on the relationship between quantum physics and human consciousness, and on the 5,000 year-old body of wisdom known as The Veda. For over 50 years, he has personally taught Vedic Meditation to tens of thousands of students and consulted to governments and private corporations throughout the world.