I had the honour of sitting down with
A.Y.E. - The #yyc Hip Hop Artist blowing up Spotify right now with his latest album
Soulfood the Autobiography Of. We originally met on Stephen Ave in the middle of winter when I had a projector and he had a music video to cast on the RBC building downtown! We speak about his musical family, his roots, his developing into the musician today. We get into modern culture and what he believes to be a lost concept: soul food, history, family versus the fast food generation, quick hits and no substance.
Perspectives YYC is a proud member of the
Alberta Podcast Network, powered by
ATB. The APN was built by
Karen Unland whose only purpose in life, it seems, is to support and grow local podcasts. Podcasts like
This episode’s sponsorship message if from
The Alberta Blue Cross Summit, a day to explore fresh perspectives and practices around wellness at work. Hear what Linda Crawford of Alberta Blue Cross had to say about the summit: