Quasar Vue Life

Quasar Vue Life Trailer Bonus Episode 79 Season 1

The Evolution Of Extracting Vue Code

The Evolution Of Extracting Vue CodeThe Evolution Of Extracting Vue Code

Sometimes, it's not such a great idea to keep things DRY! And you know what? "Don't reinvent the wheel" isn't always the best advice... espeically when it applys to new abstraction concepts you're working on.

In this podcast, we'll talk about the evolution of extracting code, and when you may want to wait a while before turning code into an NPM package!

What is Quasar Vue Life?

Welcome to the Quasar Life podcast!

This show is for coders who want to learn the mindset, and life skills behind being a Web Developer.
Learn from Luke Diebold. Core Quasar Team member, and creator of QuasarCast.Com