Product Management Tech Brief By HackerNoon

This story was originally published on HackerNoon at:
Follow these simple steps to clearly formulate your product hypothesis and test it quickly and affordably.
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This story was written by: @fayanastasia. Learn more about this writer by checking @fayanastasia's about page, and for more stories, please visit

When testing your hypothesis, try not to spend too much time on a single experiment. Follow these simple steps to clearly formulate your product hypothesis and test it quickly and affordably: 1. Define the Objective 2. Identify Variables 3. Make connections between variables 4. Set Validation Criteria 5. Run a quick test, beginning with a series of 10+ CustDev interviews, then enhance the results with quantitative data from A/B testing a couple of campaigns and landing pages with opt-ins. 6. Evaluate your results.

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