99th Episode

We HoXPoX our way around X-Men. We discuss our de-stress techniques. We re-engage with our hobbies. We discuss generations.

Show Notes

We HoXPoX our way around X-Men. We discuss our de-stress techniques. We re-engage with our hobbies. We discuss generations.

Paul and Sean have both had a busy couple of months, so we unwind and discuss some of the things on our mind. Paul is re-read HoXPoX, which gives us a chance to revisit what is great about that series, and why it has so much re-read value. We talk about the way we unwind and relax after work has kept us wound up.

How do we re-engage with our hobbies? How do we keep collecting from being something more than acquiring stuff and stashing it in a box, never to be seen again? Lot's to discuss.

Do you ever feel judgmental about how judgmental other people get? Then we have a nugget of a conversation for you.

And yes, there is some talk about Doritos at the end.

In addition:
- X-Men? Or Ten Men!
- HoXPoX is a certifiably good re-read
- The difference between mystery and meaning
- Locke & Key... NOT a certifiable re-read 
- The trouble with winding down
- Ninjago? Nobody likes Ninjago
- Don't be jealous of my Zartan!
- Collecting vs Acquiring
- How many troop builders is enough?
- Stormtroopers inaccuracy is explained well
- Can you remember the birth of cool (ranch)?
- Caution! Chew your chips!


What is 99th Episode?

Sean and Paul discuss the movies, comics, music, and toys that we love, and how we behave, as a fan, towards the things we like. Cool stuff, life lessons, and other random topics is the bill of goods for this show.