Kootenai Church: 1 Peter

A look at what Luther called “the hinge upon which the whole [Reformation] turns,” the subject of “free will.” This message provides an exposition of 1 Peter 1:3 and a look at what Scripture says regarding the nature of man’s will.

Show Notes

A look at what Luther called “the hinge upon which the whole [Reformation] turns,” the subject of “free will.” This message provides an exposition of 1 Peter 1:3 and a look at what Scripture says regarding the nature of man’s will. Is it free? Is salvation a matter of man’s own independent choosing, or is salvation the work of God? If you would like further reading on that subject we would recommend these: The Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther The Freedom of the Will by Jonathan Edwards The Plan of Salvation by B.B. Warfield Institutes of the Christian Religion, John Calvin, Book 2, Chapter 2
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Creators & Guests

Dave Rich
Pastor-Teacher, Kootenai Community Church

What is Kootenai Church: 1 Peter?

1 Peter was written to teach us how to remain faithful and content in the midst of the heavy trials of our mortal life on earth, this "time of your sojourn." We are taught the purpose and character of trials, seeing in them the sanctifying work of the Spirit revealing the genuineness of our God-given and, therefore, invincible, enduring faith.

This series of messages was part of an exposition of the book of 1 Peter by Dave Rich, a pastor at Kootenai Community Church.