All Points West

Much of James Ashton's life has been about telling better stories - as a journalist, author, book prize founder, non-executive director and now chief executive of the Quoted Companies Alliance, the small and medium-sized company lobbying group. 

Episode 10 of the All Points West Podcast hears how a boy from West Yorkshire cut his journalistic teeth on local hospital radio before rising to the heights of The Sunday Times, Evening Standard and eventually landing in the hot seat of a City lobbying group, where he aims to tell a more compelling story about the issues that really matter to smaller listed companies.

All Points West will return in January, 2024 - we wish all our listeners a wonderful holiday break and a happy New Year!

Nothing in this podcast is intended as investment advice and the people in this podcast may hold positions in the stocks they talk about. Do not buy anything based solely on a tip or recommendation. Please do your own research. 

What is All Points West?

The All Points West podcast meets leaders from some of the most innovative and influential small and mid-cap UK-listed companies to learn more about them and their businesses. Hosted by former Sunday Times business journalist, Karl West.

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Nothing in this podcast is intended as investment advice and the people in this podcast may hold positions in the stocks they talk about. Do not buy anything based solely on a tip or recommendation. Please do your own research.