Riding The Wave

It’s the sound of the bell ringing and immediately all that exists is you, your technique, the adrenaline, and your opponent in the ring. In that ring and in life, we learn that it does not matter how you start, but how you finish. This mantra is emphasized and reiterated further in this week’s episode with guests Spencer Valenzuela, a boxer with an undefeated amateur record and two belts under his sleeve, and his coach, Flaco, a Boyle Heights native who fell in love with the sport of boxing since the age of 10. 

Boxing involves combat, confidence, passion, technique, and training. Without these skills and without the guidance of a strong coach who acts as the anchor, it is difficult to deliver in the ring. More importantly, Spencer and Flaco discuss the importance of seeking comfort within the gym setting and within one’s own skin to navigate the ring and the sport that is boxing and life. Although the sport may not be for everyone, boxing helped many like Spencer abandon fear and addiction. With his interest in boxing stemming back to his grandparents, he came to develop a respect for the sport that taught him how to build confidence, technique, and persistence. Ultimately, the sport of boxing has helped many realize that challenges should be embraced and welcomed, in and out of the ring, as they help combat the limitations we place on ourselves.

Riding the Wave puts our audience first. We want to hear your high and low tides. No judgment! DM us on Instagram @ridingthewave2024, and we will respond to your questions in a future show.

Creators & Guests

James "MJ" Escalera

What is Riding The Wave ?

Welcome to the Riding the Wave podcast, where we talk about the daily struggles we call life. In being a part of this community, we want to hear your high and low tides. With no judgment! The purpose of this podcast is to connect with our audience and try to put ourselves in your shoes. We are here to motivate to all our listeners but also give any of you Kings and Queens an opportunity to share your story. With unity, we can overcome any obstacle. The first step of overcoming challenges is to face them head-on. No more deflecting or hiding our pain with a smile. It's time for enlightenment. At Riding the Wave, we put YOU , the audience FIRST. Join us on this voyage and discover the pursuit of happiness.