This Show Has Everything

Horticulturalist, freelance writer/editor and one-time Soul Patrol DJ Michelle Sutton joins Bobby and Meredith for an Upstate New York whistle-stop nostalgia, House Bunny Fun Facts!® and a look back to the time in 2008 Luke interviewed Jen, and they felt all the feels. (As if you didn’t love Jen enough already.) Remember to vote for LRB in King 5’s Best of Western Washington contest, use Ladyflash by the Go! Team for all of your music bed needs, and not to buy, sell or process anything. This episode looks back to TBTL episode 706, from December 10, 2010. Find more:

Show Notes

Horticulturalist, freelance writer/editor and one-time Soul Patrol DJ Michelle Sutton joins Bobby and Meredith for an Upstate New York whistle-stop nostalgia, House Bunny Fun Facts!® and a look back to the time in 2008 Luke interviewed Jen, and they felt all the feels. (As if you didn’t love Jen enough already.) Remember to vote for LRB in King 5’s Best of Western Washington contest, use Ladyflash by the Go! Team for all of your music bed needs, and not to buy, sell or process anything. This episode looks back to TBTL episode 706, from December 10, 2010. Find more:

What is This Show Has Everything?

Join a group of friends dedicated to an ongoing conversation about everything and nothing, because sometimes you need to be the podcast you want to see in the world.