30-Day InfoSec

In this episode, TJ and Ryan discuss Emotet, Twitter Hack, Sev10 CVEs, the Tesla Ransomware Scandal, and More!

Show Notes

Emotet Is back and then not
The group behind the Emotet malware has popped back up but shortly after that it appears the C2 infrastructure was compromised and started sharing out memes.

Garmin HACKED!!!
Garmin was hacked recently and the intrusion was used to spread ransomware on the network. The attackers also ended up being paid out $10M by Garmin. 

Twitter Admin Panel Exposed
Recently a teenager was able to get access to a twitter management panel which allowed them to take over high profile accounts to include Barack Obama, Beyonce as well as Elon Musk. The take over was being used a scam to attempt to get bitcoin from people.

High Profile Exploits Recently Released
Recently there were several high profile exploits released that were all remote code execution exploits. Vendors such as F5, SAP and Microsoft were all among the vendors affected by these exploits. 

Tesla Attempted Hack
A Tesla employee was approached by a supposed Russian sponsored individual in an attempt to compromise the entire organization and spread ransomware. 

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Intro/Outro Music Credits
Something Elated (Broke For Free: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Broke_For_Free/Something_EP/Broke_For_Free_-_Something_EP_-_05_Something_Elated) / CC BY 3.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/

What is 30-Day InfoSec?

30-Day InfoSec, a monthly information security recap show for the latest news, stories, and happenings from around the cybersecurity community.