
Now that gaming is out of the way it's time to officially finish 2018 with our pop-culture favorites. Nothing is off the monitor in this traditional top ten elimination that we love doing for you guys when it's time to reflect on the previous year. Movies, comics, music, a skate video, and maybe even a podcast get some love from the entire Bitfaced crew. Settle in with a cold beer or that boring drive to daily employment, we're like the blanket that you leave one foot hanging out of every night.

Show Notes

Now that gaming is out of the way it's time to officially finish 2018 with our pop-culture favorites. Nothing is off the monitor in this traditional top ten elimination that we love doing for you guys when it's time to reflect on the previous year. Movies, comics, music, a skate video, and maybe even a podcast get some love from the entire Bitfaced crew. Settle in with a cold beer or that boring drive to daily employment, we're like the blanket that you leave one foot hanging out of every night.

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