Growth Enablement Madness

While ADHD can present its challenges, it is vital to acknowledge the unique strengths and abilities that individuals with ADHD bring to the table. To create an inclusive and supportive work environment, employers and colleagues need to understand the impact of ADHD and implement strategies for success. 

In the third part of our conversation with James Ochoa, we explore practical strategies and accommodations that can empower individuals with ADHD to thrive in their professional lives, fostering productivity and overall job satisfaction. Tune in to learn about:
  • The signs that employees may have ADHD such as inconsistent executive functioning.
  • Responsibilities for employees to manage their ADHD and for employers to provide accommodations and a less stressful environment. 
  • Potential benefits ADHD may provide, including high energy levels, and the importance of structure for managing stress.

What is Growth Enablement Madness?

In modern business, success is measured by growth. But how should businesses enable themselves to efficiently grow? There are so many answers to that question that it can make you feel crazy! The Growth Enablement Madness Podcast, hosted by BrainSell Founder Jim Ward, offers a go-to source for growth enablement strategies, stories, and technologies.