Plus Fitness with Tara

Hey Fitness Fanatics! Are you ready to dive into the secrets of holistic health and wellness? In episode 53 of "Plus Fitness with Tara," we're joined by the amazing Kaitlyn Beaver Wellness, and trust me, you won't want to miss this! 

Ever wondered how to balance your fitness regime with life's chaos? Or how to nourish not just your body but your soul too?  Kaitlyn and I tackle these questions head-on, sharing insights that will transform the way you think about wellness. 

Tune in to this heart-to-heart where we blend mindfulness with muscle. Because on "Plus Fitness with Tara," we're all about that extra plus in your fitness journey! 

For more info and helpful tips visit my website at

Connect with me and my growing community on Facebook and Instagram!

Yours in health, 

What is Plus Fitness with Tara?

Hi, I’m Tara from Plus Fitness with Tara. I’m a curvy, fun, body-positive coach and personal trainer. I love business and fitness. Do you have the tools you need to be a rock star in fitness? A healthy love of yourself and help from me in sifting through health news will do that! I’ve got fitness topics and guests. Rock stars aren’t born – they are bread with experience and desire. Let’s do this together!