Europe - Asia Podcast

Exploring the topics of sustainable investments, green transition and international cooperation, the Europe – Asia Podcast’s featuring guest is former United Nation's Under-secretary General and Executive director of UN Environmental Programme H.E. Erik Solheim. Excellency Solheim is renowned Norwegian diplomat and former politician, holding posts of Minister of International Development and Minister of the Environment between 2005 and 2012. From 2013 to 2016 he was the chair of the OECD Development Assistance Committee in Paris, followed by the 2016 election to position of Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

What is Europe - Asia Podcast?

The Europe – Asia Podcast aims at deepening the mutual understanding and building stronger relations between Europe and Asia. Through the narrative driven conversations featuring high-level guests, we embark on the exploration of the complexities and nuances of our time. Episodes will feature the multi-layered relations between Europe and Asia, putting in context topics ranging from socio-historic phenomena, international relations, economics, sports, research and artist.
Podcast is presented by the Brussel's based Europe – Asia Center and hosted by Amb. (ret.) Piet Steel, center's Chairman and Matic Gajsek, center's Deputy director.
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