Embracing Digital Transformation

Embracing Digital Transformation Trailer Bonus Episode 147 Season 1

#150 Embracing Sustainability with Smart Buildings

#150 Embracing Sustainability with Smart Buildings#150 Embracing Sustainability with Smart Buildings

Darren interviews Sonu Panda, the CEO of Prescriptive Data, in this episode. They discuss how their software helps commercial real estate owners turn their buildings into intelligent and efficient spaces.

The Catalysts Driving Smart Buildings

The COVID-19 pandemic spotlighted indoor air quality and launched new regulations around ventilation and filtration. Smart buildings powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning can help ensure compliance with these rules to provide safe environments for occupants. In addition, there is an increasing focus on energy optimization and decarbonization to reduce carbon emissions from buildings. These two factors have accelerated interest and investment in smart buildings.

How Prescriptive Data Brings Intelligence to Buildings

Prescriptive Data was founded by real estate operators in New York City, so their domain expertise is baked into the product. The software integrates with a building's existing operational systems via APIs and drivers, so no rip-and-replace is required. It combines data exhaust from building systems, IoT sensors, weather data, and more. The AI engine analyzes all this data to identify negative patterns, such as abnormal energy spikes, and positive patterns that can be repeated and amplified. It surfaces optimization opportunities and can even take autonomous control to tune the building's environment continuously.

Cybersecurity and Ease of Deployment

Prescriptive Data has partnered with banks, government agencies, and real estate leaders to build cybersecurity into their platform from the start. Customers can typically deploy the software and start seeing recommendations in 8-10 weeks. The ROI comes fast, too, with sub-1-year payback periods through energy savings and compliance avoidance.

Accessing the Technology

The GSA lists Prescriptive Data on their procurement schedule, allowing quick purchasing by government entities. The software is available to all commercial real estate owners looking to transform existing buildings into intelligent, sustainable spaces.

The promise of smart buildings goes beyond cost savings. By continuously optimizing indoor environments, we can reduce energy waste and provide everyone safer, more comfortable spaces. Prescriptive Data offers an AI-powered solution to sustainably bring existing real estate into the future.

What is Embracing Digital Transformation?

Darren Pulsipher, Chief Solution Architect for Public Sector at Intel, investigates effective change leveraging people, process, and technology.

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