UT Journeys

Have you heard of Homemade? Now it's time to find out how it was founded!
This time we invited Wakil, a co-founder and CEO of Homemade.
- What makes Homemade unique?
- What is the OceanLove program?
- Was an MBA diploma useful in business and life?
- What opportunities Novel-T provides students with?


01:18 - Homemade 
19:44 - MBA talks
29:15 - OceanLove
33:15 - Novel-T
43:10 - Do you wish to be the next Thuisbezorgd?

What is UT Journeys?

Listen to entertaining talks with ambitious students to discover exciting secrets and upgrade your study journey!
In our episodes, we talk with motivated students from the University of Twente about their
- Student life
- Extracurricular courses
- Jobs
- Study associations
- Any other opportunities at the UT

If you want to make your student life more vibrant, this is the podcast for you!

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