Let's Talk Teams

Every company starts somewhere, and often it starts with a passionate belief. And that’s definitely true of Uptick. In this episode Michael and Chris share what we believe at Uptick, and how it shapes what we’re building.

Show Notes

Show notes:

In 2009 Simon Sinek electrified the business community with his "Golden Circle" illustration during a TED talk. He proposed that people were more motivated by the values and the "why" of the companies they patronized than they were by the "what". 

We're often asked how and why we got started building Uptick. If you've done any reading on our website you probably know some of the story, but the real story of Uptick starts with how we think about people and how we think about work.

Many of us at the company were already aligned with these values before Uptick was even an idea. We talked about the kind of company culture we wanted to work in, how we wanted to be treated, how we desired to treat others, and how we wanted to grow not only professionally, but personally. We talked about some of the contributions we would like to make in our neighborhoods, our communities, and in the world’s workplace. The thought of a small company in Bloomington, Minnesota making a worldwide impact may have seemed audacious, but our passion drove us to believe it was worth trying!

Here are our "We Believe" statements:
  • We believe that all people are inherently valuable and are therefore imbued with dignity and purpose. 
  • We believe that every person is completely unique, and that the gifts and abilities they bring to work should be acknowledged and given room to blossom. 
  • We believe that all people are created to work, and no matter where or how they live that out, working with energy, excellence and passion is part of living out our purpose
  • We believe that the hours spent at work should generally be happy, focused, affirming and energizing. 
  • We believe that collaboration, not authority, is the best way to characterize a growing, productive and healthy team.
  • We believe a manager’s chief duty is to support and encourage their team. 
  • We believe that great management makes for great companies, and that employees thrive where managers thrive. 
  • We believe that employees deserve to understand the clear expectations of their managers. 
  • We believe that employees and managers alike should be challenged and given the opportunity to grow. 
We'd love to hear about your "we believes"! Feel free to reach out to us on Twitter. Michael is @jmichaelprobert and Chris is @chriszaugg

Related blog post: https://uptickapp.com/blog
Podcast link: https://uptickapp.com/podcast

And if you're interested in trying Uptick for free, go to https://my.uptickapp.com/signup

What is Let's Talk Teams?

We couldn’t find the podcast on building great teams so we made our own to document and share what we're learning along the way. Let’s Talk Teams is a weekly show where we talk about leading, building, and contributing to great teams at work. Some episodes are a peek behind the curtain at the conversations we’re having at Uptick as our teams grow and adapt. Others will be interviews with managers or discussions about a recent blog post.