The Divine Life of Sai Baba

'The Medical Marvel' is the 27th Leela in the series. In this clip, Vinny Ma narrates the story of Dr. Sharmila who was anxious to have a child but despite many attempts was unable to conceive. Dejected, she thought of Sai Baba and wondered if the Ever-Merciful Baba would take her under His wing of protection and fulfill her desire.
Just as she thought this, a series of miraculous events unfolded. That very night she saw a dream in which Baba stood with His arms opened wide, and soon after this dream she conceived against all medical odds. Her pregnancy was nothing short of a miracle and she was convinced that such a medical marvel was the result of Baba's grace.

The year was 1995, and Sharmila was dejected and distraught as she was unable to conceive. She and her husband had consulted a renowned doctor in the field of infertility. They had all their tests and work-up done and they were being treated by the doctor, but it didn’t work out.

One evening, Sharmila was all alone at home, and she was overcome with grief. She could not hold back her tears, and soon she was sobbing. With a heavy heart, Sharmila thought, “For the past four years, we have been trying to have a baby. Faithfully, we have followed the instructions given by the doctor, and taken the medicines as prescribed. I have never missed a single appointment, only to be disappointed again and again. Now only God can help me. Sai Baba is so merciful, but will He shower His mercy on me? Will He accept me into His flock? Will He take away this problem, and make me happy?”

With these thoughts on her mind, she fell asleep. Late that night, she had a wonderful dream. In the dream, Sharmila had gone to a Ganapati Temple, and she couldn’t believe what she saw. Instead of a Ganapati idol, she saw Baba standing there. He was wearing a white Kafni and in his hand was his Satka. With sheer compassion in His eyes, He was looking at her. Then with immense love, He stretched out both His hands and beckoned her to come to Him. And there ended the dream.

The next morning, she stood in front of Baba’s picture, and thanked Him for accepting her into His flock. Then she remembered Baba’s words, “If you take one step towards me, I will take ten steps towards you.” Subsequent to this dream, Sharmila started reading the Charitra. With eagerness and devotion, she read it every day. She also tried to find out more about this wonderful God. Sharmila read all the Sai Leela magazines that she could get, and any other literature that she could find.

With renewed vigour and enthusiasm, she kept her appointment with her doctor during her fertile period that month. But the disappointment that she had faced over the years caught up with her and she made up her mind that this would be her last attempt to conceive. Sharmila then cast all her burdens on Baba’s shoulders and had her sonogram done. With great anticipation, Sharmila went to get the result. Her doctor shook her head and said, “Sorry Sharmila, this month you had an anovulatory cycle, so it is futile to try any further.”

Filled with remorse, Sharmila thought, “Baba, to conceive, I need only one egg. But this month, the ovary has not ripened and released an egg. Now I am not going to worry as I have left my destiny in your hands. Baba, I’m going to stop all attempts to conceive right here and now.”

With Baba even the impossible is possible. And that very month, Sharmila got pregnant. She said, “This is a medical marvel. Indeed science has advanced tremendously and impressively. With this advanced technology, the physician and radiologist can see very minute things that are happening inside the body. Nevertheless, it is unable to see Baba’s blessings. So I thanked Baba from the bottom of my heart.” Sharmila’s faith had increased by leaps and bounds. She started chanting Baba’s name regularly and reading at least a chapter of the Charitra daily. What was beyond the bounds of possibility, Baba made that possible for her.

This Leela is taken from Sai Prasad Magazine, Deepavali issue, 1998.

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What is The Divine Life of Sai Baba?

A special podcast series by Dr. Vinny Chitluri which is on Baba's leelas and life history.