Can you see what I see?

More than 22,000 families in Australia are made up of grandparents actually raising their grandchildren fulltime, usually as a result of a family crisis of some kind. Some of this is done from a place of necessity as there is no-one else, or it is expected of them. The way we are when we make a choice to do this, can make the difference between creating greater for the grandparent and grandchild.

Show Notes

  • If grandparents take this responsibility on from a place of conscious choice, there is a "cleanness" around it...... and this usually comes from an awareness that it really does take a village to raise a child.
  • But if the choice is from a place of necessity.... "I have to do this, there is noone else"...... it is a form of martyrdom, and it limits other  possibilities.
  • By getting into the centre of "your flower" (episode 1), and asking the question "would it generate and create greater for me to do this?" could have a very different impact on both the grandparent and the grandchild.
  • When The Body Says No:  The Cost of Hidden Stress (Dr Gabor Mate)
  • The Mind-Gut Connection:  How the hidden conversation within our bodies impacts our mood, our choices, and our overall health (Dr Emeran Mayer)
  • What Happened To You?  Conversations on Trauma, Resilience and Healing (Dr Bruce D Perry and Oprah Winfrey)

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What is Can you see what I see??

Would you like to live in a kinder, happier world where people are safe, empowered and inspired to choose greater? A world that has a different vocabulary from what is considered "normal" .... and the language is empowering and actually COMMON for us all.

We see that world.