Zen Stoic Path Show

In a world that's constantly changing, it can be difficult to find liberation. But with the practice of Zen Stoic Philosophy, we can learn to live in the present moment and find inner peace. This episode explores the idea of letting go of the noise of our minds, so that we can experience tranquility. We can use these concepts to find freedom in even the most chaotic situations.

Show Notes

  • “My formula for greatness in a human being is amor fati: that one wants nothing to be different, not forward, not backward, not in all eternity. Not merely bear what is necessary, still less conceal it—all idealism is mendacity in the face of what is necessary—but love it.”
  • -Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Rules may give us guide rails to move towards goals, but they will not create fulfillment of what we most desire.
  • Zen is not about following a set of rules or doctrines, but instead it is to be perfectly and simply human, wholeheartedly without having to keep an eye on one’s self.
  • “When your philosophy becomes about philosophy, it becomes a pompous and lifeless shell. Philosophy becomes fully alive when it is about being human and truly living.” -Victor Pierantoni
  • We never hold onto actual realities of events in our lives but rather abstract memories of what occurred. Carrying abstract memories weighs us down and doesn’t allow for us to move forward.
  • Everything changes. Life ultimately exists in a state of impermanence. The more we attempt to cling to what was and pursue insoluble problems as a means to validate our identities, the more we will perpetuate our own suffering.
  • Love your path! All of it, the good, the bad, pleasant, and unpleasant. It is the path you chose. You must play the hand of cards life gave you. You don’t play any better by looking at the cards of others or wishing your cards were different. You play best when you don’t just play your cards, but love and embrace the hand you got!

What is Zen Stoic Path Show?

You are here because you believe that it is better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war.

You want to conquer your goals without sacrificing your well-being, while also enjoying the things that matter most -- like spending time with people you love and pursuing your interests without guilt.

The Zen Stoic Path will guide you along the path to unshakable inner peace. You’ll be ready to conquer any challenge life throws your way -- while being peacefully present to each moment.

This unique approach blends the timeless wisdom of Zen Buddhism and Stoic philosophies--while integrating modern techniques of emotional mastery.

As you embark upon this journey with us, you can apply thousands of years of lessons...to improve your life today.

If you’re ready to:
Walk the path of your highest contribution so you genuinely feel fulfilled
Make decisions with precision and confidence, without wavering
Have time to relax or pursue your creative gifts...guilt-free
Be fully present with the ones you love, so your connections continually grow

The Zen Stoic Podcast will give you the power to use your emotions as a compass to guide you to supreme liberation. Nearly 100,000 listeners have benefited from this wisdom, and you can too.

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