In this episode, Vasa steps aside from the host seat and serves as the guest...GUEST. Kane Lewandowski reached out to Vasa with several great questions on LinkedIn. So Vasa decided to turn his answers into an episode of Food Chained.
Some of the questions:
• How much does it cost to start?
• How do you get into retailers?
• Where do you create products?
• How does it get manufactured?
• What are some cautionary tales someone like me should watch out for?
• I understand that when it comes to software you want a minimum viable product, does a similar idea apply with CPG?
• And more!
Food Chained is a short-form podcast exploring the problems in our food system and the brands that are solving them. Every week, we share conversations with startup food & beverage founders and operators on a mission to make a positive, healthy, and ethical impact on our world.