Garage Monologues with Jay Swanson

They can't all be highs, but what do you do when your best weeks somehow feel like the worst? I hit some real walls this last month, especially in the last couple of weeks, and I haven't had a good chance to share about why. At the same time, there are so many great things happening and so much to be grateful for. Life is downright confusing sometimes.

For me it serves as a good reminder that life is hard, no matter who you are. If nothing else, I hope that it sharpens my empathy for those around me. AND, spoiler alert, as usual, Garage Monologuing about it all helped feel me quite a bit better. So thanks for listening!

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What is Garage Monologues with Jay Swanson?

Jay Swanson takes his garage monologues to the couch, where anything goes. Friends drop by to ruin the monologue element and discuss everything from what goes on behind the scenes to current events and more.