Pride & Prejudice 2: Shrubberies & Snubberies
We discuss chapters 9-ish through 21 of Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen. Mr. Darcy makes some spicy remarks - we’d love to get him on the pod. A wild proposal appears! For this book, the gang’s opinions are Rachel’s. Fans of Jackie’s British accent(s) will have a great time this episode! Theo makes a fool of himself re: shrubbery. He also compares himself to Mr. Darcy but it’s somehow not a brag. Topics include: liberries, Ol’ One Ball Bingley, ball confusion, Jackie’s first straight ship, Mr. Bingworth & Mr. Wiggly, a prize for Little D, and another attempt at a polymerization joke.
Pride & Prejudice 2: Shrubberies & Snubberies
We discuss chapters 9-ish through 21 of Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen. Mr. Darcy makes some spicy remarks - we’d love to get him on the pod. A wild proposal appears! For this book, the gang’s opinions are Rachel’s. Fans of Jackie’s British accent(s) will have a great time this episode! Theo makes a fool of himself re: shrubbery. He also compares himself to Mr. Darcy but it’s somehow not a brag. Topics include: liberries, Ol’ One Ball Bingley, ball confusion, Jackie’s first straight ship, Mr. Bingworth & Mr. Wiggly, a prize for Little D, and another attempt at a polymerization joke.
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